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Selasa, 14 Mei 2013
Nattasha Nauljam (Ern) - Pleng Tee Chun Mai Dai Tang (English Cover) - OST Suckseed
I knew this song from Suckseed, it's performed by Arena, and, I love Nat's voice (Ern) as well as herself. A pretty girl who good at singing and playing guitar. :D Keren
Nattasha Nauljam - Pleng Tee Chun Mai Dai Tang - Arena (Concert Version)
Nattasha Nauljam - Pleng Tee Chun Mai Dai Tang (acoustic version)
I've searched some information about the song. The real singer is No More Tear, a band from Thailand, with a title Pleng Tee Chun Mai Dai Tang. And because I don't understand what's the meaning of this song in Thai, so I searched for the English version.
I found some translations but the syllables are not clearly adjusted, it's hard to sing with that translation (I think that is only translated by Google Translate, not by the translator's heart, haha). So, I searched for it again, and I found a song cover in YouTube by Regine Marie Pias, here is the link. Thank her so much. And, I've edited some parts, as well as the chord, I think it's different from the other website.
I'm not sure if this translated version is perfectly true, hehe. Well, as wrote in her description, it's just for fun. :D
Intro: D#m G# C# F# 4x
Song Lyrics and Chords
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