Life experiences of a new born Programmer++ and all his hobbies. - @rizqirizqi
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Link exchange

Untuk menigkatkan pengunjung di blog atau website kita, kita sebaiknya melakukan link exchange. Bagi readers yg ingin melakukan link exchange dengan blog Rizqi Activities, caranya gampang.

1. Copy salah satu html code di bawah ini

Mgs. M. Rizqi. F

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="Mgs. M. Rizqi F." alt="Mgs. M. Rizqi. F" border="0" vspace="2" hspace="2" /></a>

|Rizqi Activities|

<a href="" target="_blank"><b>|<blink>Rizqi Activities</blink>|</b></a>

2. Tempelkan di blog/website kalian
3. Isi form di bawah ini

Link Exchange Registration
Name *

E-mail *

Blog/Website *

Where you have placed the link to Rizqi Activities
Your html code

Your html code that will be placed on "My Friend's Links and Banner" (left sidebar in Rizqi Activities).
For example : <a href="yourlink">Blog/Website</a>
This is optional. If you don't fill this html form, I will use your Blog/Website that will be placed on Rizqi Activities.
Thank you, fill the Recaptha and click Submit. Your link will be placed on "My Friend's Links and Banner" (left sidebar in Rizqi Activities) soon.

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